Yashiro Nene is an anime character who first appeared in the Manga series called “Hanako-San” the first chapter of Jibaku Shounen Hanako-Kun by AidaIro. She is a high school student portrayed to have contact with Hanako and now serving as his assistant.
Yashiro Nene Background:
Yashiro Nene is a high school girl who appeared in a Manga series of Hanako-San. She appeared in the first chapter. Nene possesses the power to convert into a mermaid. She got into contact with Hanako and became his assistant.
Yashiro Nene General Information:
- Real Name: Yashiro Nene
- Alias: Radish Legs, Nene-Chan
- Gender: Female
- Origin: Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun
- Date of Birth: 27th June
- Age: 15
- Occupation: Student
- Race/ Ethnicity: Human, Fish/Supernatural (when in contact with water)
- Eyes Color: Magenta
- Hair Color: Light Cream, soft light Teal
- First Appearance: “Hanako-San” the first chapter of Jibaku Shounen Hanako-Kun by AidaIro
Yashiro Nene Power & Abilities:
Yashiro Nene has the power to see the supernatural but she has no prior relation or link to them. It is claimed that she also has the ability to change into a mermaid after ingesting the mermaid seed as she gets in contact with water, she turns into a mermaid.
Yashiro Nene Personality:
Nene has a fun-loving and cheerful personality. She cared for her friends and family like people. Her personality has been very magnetic and attractive. Nene gained an enormous amount of people and their support due to her nature. She became supportive and loyal to Hanako after becoming his sidekick.
Yashiro Nene Height Weight Body Measurements Age Powers & Weakness
Yashiro Nene Family Details:
- Father: Unnamed
- Mother: Unnamed
- Siblings: None
- Marital Status: Single
- Spouse: None
- Children: None
Yashiro Nene Dating History:
Nene has a strong desire to have a boyfriend and she requested Hanako as she requested him to grant her this wish. But later on, she developed feelings for Hanako but remained her sidekick.
Yashiro Nene Appearances:
The character of Yashiro Nene has appeared in the Manga series “Hanako-San” the first chapter of Jibaku Shounen Hanako-Kun by AidaIro and anime series. No other appearances yet to discuss.
Yashiro Nene Body Measurements:
Yashiro Nene height, weight, shoe size, and other body measurement statistics are listed below.
- Height in Feet: N/A
- Height in Centimeters: Unknown
- Weight in Kilograms: N/A
- Weight in Pounds: Unknown
- Shoe Size: N/A
- Body Measurements: Unknown
Yashiro Nene Interesting Facts:
- Nene can see the supernatural normally.
- She plays Idol-raising mobile games.
- Her fish form is considered very beautiful.
- Yashiro’s favorite snack is strawberry-filled rice cake.