Elastigirl is a fictional superhero character appearing in the animated movie “The Incredibles” by Pixar. She is portrayed as a young lady who has very difficulties in her daily life and has to use her superpowers of elasticity in various ways. Elastigirl’s height and other measurements vary from time to time because she can stretch any part of her body as she wants.
What is the background of Elastigirl?
The character of Elastigirl first appeared in the animated movie in the year 2004 and later on, in the sequel of the same franchise in 2008. She has made a very popular character among the children due to certain ways of her problem-solving.
General Information:
- Real Name: Helen Parr
- Alias: Elastigirl and Mrs. Incredible
- Gender: Female
- Age: 38
- Occupation: Superhero
- Race/ Ethnicity: Human
- Created By: Brad Bird
- First Appearance: The Incredibles (2004)
What are the Powers & Abilities of Elastigirl?
She has the ability to stretch her body in various ways and shapes. Elastigirl can possess superhuman strength, speed, and durability as well as she is known to have great skill as a pilot, driver, and motorcycle rider as well. She also has expertise in hand-to-hand combat.
Explain the Personality of Elastigirl?
She has a fearless and powerful personality but also gets protective when it comes to her children or the people she loves. Elastigirl is also protective and cares about the safety of others.
Elastigirl Height Weight Measurements Age Powers & Weaknesses
What are the Eye color and Hair color of Elastigirl?
Who is included in Elastigirl’s Family?
- Father: Unnamed
- Mother: Unnamed
- Siblings: None
- Marital Status: Married
- Spouse: Bob Parr (Mr. Incredible)
- Children: Violet Parr (daughter), Dash Parr (older son), Jack-Jack Parr (younger son).
Who did Elastigirl Date?
Elastigirl dated and married his present husband also known as “Mr. Incredible”. She has three kids with Bob Parr (Mr. Incredible).
Elastigirl Appearances:
The character of Elastigirl has appeared in the animated film series “The Incredibles” as well as in video games. Elastigirl has a playable character in video games. She has made appearances on different kinds of things related to kids such as; Bags, Toys, and many more things like this.
What are the Body Measurements of Elastigirl?
Cartoon character Elastigirl height, weight, and other body measurements are stated below:
- Height in Feet: 5’8”
- Height in Centimeters: 172 cm.
- Weight in Kilograms: 56 kg.
- Weight in Pounds: 125 lbs.
- Shoe Size: Unknown.
Elastigirl Interesting Facts:
- She can stretch up to 300 feet.
- Elastigirl is immune to Mind control.
- She can speak in different voices.
- The character has a superhuman vision as well.
- She is an accomplished pilot and motorcyclist.