Ms. Marvel, also known as Kamala Khan, is a superhero in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). As a teenage girl with a deep admiration for the Avengers, especially Captain Marvel. Her story is one of discovery, both of her powers and her identity, as she navigates the challenges of being a young superhero.
Ms. Marvel Background:
The title of Ms. Marvel was first used by Carol Danvers, a beloved superhero in the Marvel series. However, the mantle was later taken up by Kamala Khan, a teenager from Jersey City, New Jersey. Kamala Khan made her first appearance on live-action television on Disney+ on June 8, 2022, as part of the MCU.
Ms. Marvel Body Measurements Height Weight Age Statistics
Ms. Marvel General Information:
- Real Name: Kamala Khan
- Alias: Ms. Marvel
- Gender: Female
- Date of Birth: 2000
- Age: 16
- Occupation: Student
- Race/Ethnicity: Mutant-hybrid
- Eye Color: Brown
- Hair Color: Brown/Black
- Created By: Gerry Conway (writer), John Buscema (art)
- First Appearance: Ms. Marvel #1 (January 1977)
Ms. Marvel Powers & Abilities:
Kamala Khan gained her powers through a mystical bangle that originally belonged to her grandmother. Her powers include:
- Energy Manipulation: Kamala can manipulate energy and generate it from other dimensions, giving her control over powerful forces.
- Hard Light Constructs: She can stretch and reshape her body using hard light.
- Superhuman Strength and Durability: Kamala possesses enhanced physical abilities, making her stronger and more resilient than an average human.
- Accelerated Healing: She has a faster-than-normal healing factor, allowing her to recover from injuries more quickly.
Ms. Marvel Personality:
Kamala Khan is portrayed as a lively and imaginative teenager. Her obsession with superheroes, particularly Captain Marvel, often leads her to daydream and distracts her from her studies. Despite these distractions, Kamala has a strong moral compass and a deep sense of responsibility once she gains her powers. Her relationships with her family are complex; while she loves her parents and brother, she often feels misunderstood.
Ms. Marvel Family Details:
- Father: Yusuf Khan
- Mother: Muneeba Khan
- Siblings: Amir Khan
- Marital Status: Single
- Spouse: None
- Children: None
Ms. Marvel Dating History:
Kamala Khan’s focus has largely been on her superhero duties and navigating her teenage life, leaving little room for romantic relationships. As of now, there is no prominent dating history for her character.
Ms. Marvel Appearances:
Ms. Marvel has appeared in various media, including comic series and live-action television series on Disney+. Kamala Khan’s character is set to continue her journey in future MCU projects, including upcoming films and series.
Ms. Marvel Body Measurements:
Ms. Marvel’s physical stats reflect her youthful and athletic build:
- Height in Feet: 5’4”
- Height in Centimeters: 164 cm
- Weight in Kilograms: 56 kg
- Weight in Pounds: 125 lbs
- Shoe Size: Unknown
Ms. Marvel Interesting Facts:
- She is the first Muslim superhero in the MCU.
- Kamala Khan is an Inhuman, a race of superhumans in the Marvel Universe.
- Before becoming a superhero, Kamala was an ordinary high school student.
- In some storylines, Kamala wears a costume with alien origins, enhancing her powers further.
- In some comic storylines, characters using the Ms. Marvel title have served as villains.
- Kamala has been recognized as a member of the Avengers, solidifying her place among the world’s mightiest heroes.