Mystique is a superhero character of DC Comics who appeared in a series named Teen-titans. Raven (Mystique) is also known as Rachel Roth. Mystique has magical abilities such as teleporting herself and sending out her soul self, which can fight and perform fully.
Mystique Background:
Mystique was born of mixed race human and demon lord Emperor Trigon. Raven (Mystique) was raised in an alternate dimension later on and learned to control her powers and suppress her demon side. After learning about her father and his plans. She approached the Justice League to fight her father but they refused her. Mystique formed the Teen Titans team, defeated Emperor Trigon, and captured him.
Mystique General Information:
- Real Name: Raven
- Alias: Pride, Rachel Roth, Mystique
- Gender: Female
- Origin: Earth One, New Earth
- Date of Birth: October 30th
- Age: 18
- Occupation: Former Student
- Race/ Ethnicity: Azarathian
- Eyes Color: Blue
- Hair Color: Black
- Created By: Marv Wolfman · George Pérez
- First Appearance: DC Comics Presents #26 (October 1980)
Mystique Personality:
Mystique has a very mysterious and brooding personality. She was troubled but had a humorous side as well. Her personality was seemingly emotionless. Raven (Mystique) had a studious and sarcastic attitude toward others. Her character is known to be moody and troubled.
Mystique Power & Abilities:
Mystique has magical abilities such as teleporting herself and sending out her soul self, which can fight and perform fully.
Mystique Family Details:
- Father: Trigon
- Mother: Angela Roth
- Siblings: Gluttony (half-brother), Greed (half-brother), Lust (half-brother), Wrath (half-brother), Envy (half-brother), Sloth (half-brother)
- Marital Status: Single
- Spouse: None
- Children: Wyld (son)
Mystique Height Weight Body Measurements Powers Weaknesses
Mystique Dating History:
- No prominent dating history. Just a few flings with Garfield and Damian Wayne.
Mystique Appearances:
The character of Raven (Mystique) has appeared in different DC series including Teen Titans and many more. She appeared in DC Comics as well as DC original movies such as Justice League.
Mystique Body Measurements:
Following are the facts about the height, weight, and body measurements of Raven aka. Mystique:
- Height in Feet: 5’11”
- Height in Centimeters: 180.34 cm
- Weight in Kilograms: 63 kg
- Weight in Pounds: 139 lbs.
- Shoe Size: Unknown
- Body Measurements: 32″, 22″, 33″.
Mystique Interesting Facts:
- She and Beast-Boy dated.
- She didn’t grow up on earth.
- Other superheroes don’t trust her.