Shinta Himura known as “Kenshin Himura” is the main protagonist of the manga and anime series. He is also known as the legendary Hitokiri of the Meiji Revolution. Kenshin Himura spent ten years traveling Japan as a rurouni in search of reclamation, carrying a sakabato with the oath to never kill again. In 1878, he arrives in Tokyo where his oath is tested as he fights to keep the peace of the country. His character has been part of the manga and anime series and has been voiced by Richard Cansino in the English version. While, in the Japanese version of the anime, he is voiced by Mayo Suzukaze and currently by Soma Saito.
Kenshin Himura Background:
The fictional swordsman and wanderer, Kenshin Himura was once a legendary Hitokiri of the Meiji Revolution. After his work against Bakufu, he became Himura Kenshin, who spent ten years traveling Japan as a rurouni in search of restoration. Kenshin vows to never kill another life and will protect the people of the country. Whereas, the only thing mentioned about his parents is that they were farmers who died of cholera.
Kenshin Himura Height Weight Body Measurements Age Family
Kenshin Himura Personal Information:
- Real Name: Shinta Himura
- Gender: Male
- Date of Birth: 20th June 1849
- Eyes Color: Purple
- Hair Color: Red
- Created By: Nobuhiro Watsuki
- Occupation: Occupant of the Kamiya Household
- First Appearance: Rurouni Kenshin Act 1: Kenshin . Himura Battosai
Kenshin Himura Power and Abilities:
The soft-appearance of Kenshin Himura seems to be skilled at household work including cooking and cleaning. But the most well-known skill of Himura is his almost inhuman swordsmanship. He is a tremendous fighter and his major swordsman techniques included Modoshigiri and Zantetsu.
Kenshin Himura Appearance and Personality:
Himura has been shown as a fair-skinned, small, slim-built man with a youthful feminine appearance. He owns quite a different physique than would be expected of the legendary Hitokiri Battosai. Kenshin has red thick hair tied in a ponytail and a cross-shaped sword scar on the left cheek of his face. While at the end of the series, Himura cuts his ponytail and wears his hair at about chin length. Personality-wise, he is humble, calm, and soft-spoken, always willing to help others. He doesn’t hesitate to put himself in danger to protect those around him.
Kenshin Himura Family Information:
- Father’s Name: Unknown
- Mother’s Name: Unknown
- Siblings: N/A
- Marital Status: Married
- Spouse: Tomoe Yukishiro & Kaoru Kamiya
- Children: Kenji Himura
Kenshin Himura Dating History:
The first love of Kenshin Himura’s life was “Yukishiro Tomoe” with whom he married. Unfortunately, as a result of the enemy’s trap her life was cut short by Himura’s own hand which made him a different man who vowed never to kill again anyone. Later on, he meets Kamiya Kaoru and shares a romantic relationship with her. The couple married and have a son together.
Kenshin Himura Body Measurements:
Anime character Kenshin Himura height, weight, and other body measurement statistics are listed below.
- Build: Slim
- Height in Feet: 5’2”
- Height in Centimeters: 158 cm
- Weight in Kilograms: 48 kg
- Weight in Pounds: 106 lbs.
- Shoe Size: N/A
Kenshin Himura Interesting Facts:
- His real name is Shinta.
- He used to be a Hitoriki.
- He married twice and has a son.
- Himura always enjoys cooking and cleaning the house.
- Kenshin has a legendary scar on the left side of his face.