Denji is the main protagonist of the manga series Chainsaw Man created by Tatsuki Fujimoto. He is voiced by Kikunosuke Toya in Japanese and Ryan Colt Levy in English. Denji became a Devil Hunter for the Yakuza to clear the debt he inherited from his father. This manga series earned critical acclaim and Denji (Chainsaw Man) owned a special abode in the hearts of his viewers.
Denji Background:
The manga series Chainsaw Man began when a young boy “Denji” inherits his father’s debt from the Yakuza. After the death of his father, Denji met Pochita and became a Devil Hunter for the Yakuza to remove debt. When Yakuza betrays him under the control of the Devil, Denji dies and Pochita becomes his heart. Later, he is revived and can become the Chainsaw Man by pulling a cord on his chest.
Denji Height Weight Body Measurements Chest Size Family Ethnicity
Denji Personal Information:
- Real Name: Denji
- Gender: Male
- Date of Birth: 12th September 1980
- Eyes Color: Yellow-Brown
- Hair Color: Blonde
- Created By: Tatsuki Fujimoto
- Occupation: Member of Tokyo Special Division 4 of the Public Safety Devil Hunters
- First Appearance: Chainsaw Man Chapter 1: Dog & Chainsaw (2018)
Denji Power and Abilities:
Before becoming hybrid, Denji is shown to be capable of using chainsaws while his choice of weapon in human form is a tomahawk. Denji gained superhuman abilities after fusing with Pochita. He has the power to become a bloodthirsty Chainsaw Devil by pulling on the cord emerging from his chest. After taking the Hybrid transformation, Denji becomes stronger and more durable.
Denji Appearance and Personality:
Denji is a teenage boy with blonde hair and yellow-brown eyes. He has a skinny build due to malnutrition in his childhood. After merging with Pochita, Denji’s heart is bonded with Pochita, and a chainsaw cord forms in the middle of his sternum. Coming towards personality, Denji is a rude and harsh guy. However, he always wants to help people in danger and is capable of implementing clever ideas to take down Devils.
Denji Family Information:
- Father’s Name: N/A
- Mother’s Name: N/A
- Siblings: Nayuta (adoptive sister)
- Marital Status: Single
- Spouse: None
- Children: None
Denji Dating History:
Denji has a huge affection for “Makima” but he also has a good relationship with Himeno, Power, Reze, and Kobeni. As of now, Denji is still single.
Denji Body Measurements:
Chainsaw Man anime lead character Denji height, weight, shoe size, and other body measurements statistics are shared below.
- Build: Skinny
- Height in Feet: 5’7”
- Height in Centimeters: 171 cm
- Weight in Kilograms: 65 kg (estimated)
- Weight in Pounds: 143 lbs. (estimated)
- Shoe Size: N/A
Denji Interesting Facts:
- Denji cannot read well.
- He has no official last name.
- Denji is the favorite character of Tatsuki Fujimoto.
- He is not a picky eater and can eat anything with nutritional value.